Sunday 10 June 2018

Final sequence

This is the final Product of the VFX project. Overall I am rather happy how it resulted out. The biggest positive for me from this is how I've engaged with it. because I have engaged with this project I have learnt more about the process that goes into this all. I have learnt all about how cameras work as well as any additional pre-production processes. I have also acquired some skills from this like the ability to use multiple software's and intertwine with them all as well as specific skills like animating and rotoscoping.

However In the future I think I need to pay more attention when rotoscoping. This is because when rotoscoping I only rotoscoped the building which has resulted in some frames where the robot overlays the people in the scene which for me is dreadfully annoying and worrisome. This is my main cause for concern but aside from that I think it has really turned out dandy.

Friday 8 June 2018

Final animation

  For the final animation task I was assigned to create a animation on MAYA. The animations itself has to be lengthy and lasting between 20-45 seconds. The animation must also include my exploratory vehicle from my previous 3D modelling unit. For reference below is my Vehicle which is a Duck-W which is an aquatic car from the second world war.

The first thing which I had to do was create a storyboard. This is the process done in every animation. The purpose of it is to keep track of what animation your doing as well as how you are going to do it. Storyboards are very reliable and well needed to make the production of the animation more efficient.

The animation itself got off to a rough start which really frustrated me. I had been key framing the whole rig rather than specific limbs and body parts. This resulted in the character rig resetting which just put me in a bad frame of mind. After I was shown what I was doing wrong I started again.

This time I animated more thoroughly and checked everything to eliminate any and all errors. The first thing in which I had to do was re texture my Duck-W as it had lost all of its texturing. Luckily this wasn't too long of a time process.

Afterwards I began the actual animating process. This did take time as I wanted to create detailed movement from the character. Key framing the character rig wasn't too difficult but a lot of back tracking was required to keep everything in place. As the car moves in my animation I also had to animate that as well which was where it became more difficult. The Duck-W wasn't rigged like the person which is the reason why it was more difficult to make it animate. Additionally most of the components used to make the car weren't combined so I had to combine the parts together and animate them from there. However I couldn't add the wheels to it because I needed them to individually move and rotate. After I animated the vehicle it caused big issues for the character. Whilst I was so focused on animating the vehicle I had forgot to animate the character rig alongside with it so it would be behind the car. Due to that mistake I had to go back and fix all the frames so they moved with the car.

The final touches needed were adding the lights and cameras. I added directional light pointing down at the Duck-W which would act as the  main source of light. I also added to other light sources which would come through the headlights to also add more realism to the animation which I parented to the lights themselves.

My animation contains some of the core principles of animation. The first is overlapping action. Whilst watching the animation the character landing from the jump subtly shows it as the body follows the legs. The other principle used is solid drawing because it shows weight and volume solidity throughout.

If I were to do it again I would definitely showcase my knowledge of animation by including more of the core principles of animation. I would aiming for using squash and stretch, anticipation and staging. I also would have liked to have the character rig interact more with the car as well as potentially the environment if I were to have included one. 

stop motion animation

The task for this week was to create a stop motion animation of a key word which was assigned to different groups. My keyword for this was 'run'. So this meant that my group had to make the letters which spelt run, run across the camera. For this paper was cut out to make the letters and joints connected to other pieces in order to create paper which functioned like human joints as well as somewhat looking like legs so it could move across the screen. For this I was tasked with taking the pictures which would be all the frames of the animation.

Overall i think the final piece can't be heavily criticized as it meets the brief as well as looking quite life like and as a result i am proud to have contributed towards this as i'm proud of the final product.
