Monday 16 April 2018

Next gen year 1 week 25

This week was the week of our exam. this was an open book meaning we had access to the internet as well as being allowed to converse with our peers in order to simulate the conditions in which games are created. This proved vital for me and assisted me vastly.

The exam in itself  was a variation of our mock exam being a slingshot style space game. The biggest difference from this was there being no scoreboard. Regardless i chose not to use past resources from my mock and start again as i felt it would be easier for a fresh start. From there i went on to create the game. The biggest problem was creating a path that you would have to follow where if you go out of order the game fails. The production of the rest of the game was fine as i had some experiences from the mock to aid me in creating it.

Despite this at first i didn't meet all the requirements as i could not complete making it arrive out of order. However the college ran a re submission day in which i managed to complete it ensuring i have met all the criteria of the exam.


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