Monday 5 March 2018

Next gen year 1 week 21

Hello blog

In the previous week we looked more into the players and categorizing them with specific genres developing our knowledge more to set us up for the following blog post. We also looked into specific statistics about the market which could help us out further down the line.

Later that day we proceeded on wards with our VFX project by filming the scenes needed. For this i play an extra who just runs away. Shooting it was a tedious process as we had to re do the same shot multiple times in weather conditions which weren't the best. Ultimately we got the shots required and after that I participated in taking a picture of a distortion grid to use for future purposes.

The next day we began editing the shots we had taken on premier pro. For this we edited the video by cutting time out from each time solely getting what we need. After this i took the time to re do the stop motion animation group work. For this we breezed through as it wasn't to difficult of a process just a rather time consuming one.

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