Monday, 19 March 2018

Next gen year 1 week 23

This week was different from others because our class had a mock exam. For this we had 4 days to create a game meeting the criteria of what they wanted in a game. For this they wanted a space slingshot type game where you are timed as you fly around planets. Luckily it was an open book exam meaning i had resources to aid me in this difficult task.

Within the first day i had successfully made a spaceship avatar which could be launched from a hook that acted like a slingshot. This was down to the player controller script which had been given to everyone before hand and also made a working propulsion system where pressing a key would boost the player.

On the Wednesday of that week i began to work on the planets which were the obstacles within the game. For that i downloaded some from the asset store and gave them all colliers. In addition to that i also wrote out a script that would give the planets gravity. For this i would then need to adjust the planets and remove the in software gravity. This resulted in my product consisting of  a rocket which could be sucked into planets or use the gravity to arc itself around the planets.

The day afterwards was the most treacherous experience imaginable that left me frustrated beyond belief. This was down to Unity just being lousy as it would crash and wipe what i'd made regardless of whether or not i had saved it. This then meant that my last day was all i had to make the game.

The last day i had managed to put my game back to its state before all of the heavy errors. After that i created a timer but used milliseconds as its measurement. I then spent the remainder of the day creating text so if you collided with a planet you would get a game over screen and colliding with a finishing line would give you a winning screen.

Ultimately i fell short of what was expected by the criteria as i was missing out on a best time leader board which i couldn't find any working  example to refer to whilst creating it. Whilst i am melancholy that i have most likely failed and whilst it is a mock i am nervous for the future. Despite this i do not see myself at fault as Unity crashed 20 times within that week and wiped my game twice therefore i have done all i can possibly to make the game.

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