Monday 19 March 2018

Next gen year 1 week 22

In this week we continued in our VFX project. For this i needed to adjust the colours and saturation in each shot. I found this to be an easy process within the software and as a result it was enjoyable. Despite this though  it showed to be a time consuming process but for that day i did it. The day after i had to render out all of the shots into image sequences and i would've been done with editing on Adobe premier. However the last shot took too long and due to that i will have to come back to it at a later point. The next editing software in which i am currently using for this is Nuke. For this process i had to use the shot of someone holding a phone. For this i placed a tracker at the corner of the phone screen and it would try to follow the same position across all shots. The first tracker didn't go too well and i had to place each frame with the tracker individually. From there i placed 3 more trackers at each of the corners of the phone. These ones went dandy meaning i could leave them where they were and that is how i finished of the lessons of that week for the VFX project.

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