Tuesday 7 November 2017

Next Gen year 1 week 7

Hello blog

Today in MAYA i was taught more about textures and bump mapping. Bump mapping is choosing a texture to add to your object like granite or leather resulting in the appearance differing due to the new texture. in addition to this we were also taught other special effects and options possibly required to texturing an object..Afterwards the class was split up to each create 1 of the 4  elements assigned to them. For this i was assigned the element of fire. For this i created 4 generic spheres. I individually changed them all to create 4 un-identical spheres which each resemble fire by having different bump maps, transparency's and glowing effects to create my final product after rendering it.
Before render
After render

On the whole i am proud with how it has turned out as the orbs represent the same element whilst also using varied effects. Overall my biggest negative for this occurred in the pre production phase of the assignment as when it was set it took me a while to comprehend what the task was but as i got on i found this to be a fun and simpler task.

In the next day on MAYA i was doing character rigs and animating them into poses. For this I was shown 2 poses and had to move the character rig to fit them. The poses i were given was a high jump kick and a bicycle kick which i replicated. Whilst doing this i found it entertaining. Despite this whilst doing it i found moving the characters legs a nightmare as they would just reset sometimes causing me to repeatedly attempt to fix it.

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