Tuesday 14 November 2017

Next Gen year 1 week 8

Hello blog

This week I was given the task of creating my own tower and to sculpt it on MAYA. Before i were to do this though i had to go on Photoshop to create a tower out of already existing images, known as photo bashing. For this I placed a picture of a water tower and added other images to it to create a weird fantasy tower.

When making the tower I started by adding in all of the objects to overall resemble the shape. Then from there i went into to details, specifically building a small turret on the side. Overall on this project  creating the turret was the most time consuming part because it was the most detailed as well as the fact i allocated a lot of time to the base of it. Then from there I went on to texture it which was the easiest part as i didn't run into too much trouble whilst doing it.

Overall i Believe i used an okay amount of techniques and methods whilst creating it. I also like the turret I added to it mainly because of how that is what i spent the most time and went in depth to.

If i had to redo this I would allow myself to spend more time on Photoshop photo bashing to come up with a more creative tower. In addition to this if i had more time i would use it to create reflective windows to make the tower more realistic.

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