Thursday 12 October 2017

art fundamentals week 2

Hello blog
During my second week in class i was taught more techniques of drawing like crosshatching and smudging. Furthermore i also learnt about the various types of graphite pencils and their jobs. In addition to this i also learnt about using the pencil head for size and proportion.

For my second assignment i was given the task of drawing 5 objects using a 2b pencil. The objects i chose were; a mouse, a USB, a key, a SAMSUNG galaxy s7 and a copy of FIFA 18.

On the whole i am quite pleased with the final product. This is because i used a lot of smudging to create shadow effects and the shading of the object. In addition to this i also used crosshatching in some places to add various effects to the picture.

I believe my weaknesses for this task are that i failed to use the technique to accurately use an objects size and proportions. In addition to this i am not fond of how the crosshatching came out. Therefore if i was to repeat this task i'd focus more on making the crosshatching realistic as well as making the objects accurately sized.

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