Tuesday 17 October 2017

Next Gen year 1 week 5

Hello Blog

On Monday of this week we continued to develop our skills in MAYA. The skill that we were taught was texturing. This is the skill where you add colours and pictures to objects in the program. Using this tool was quite easy to understand. However if the image you used comes out distorted you will then have to UV map it. this was something which took me a while to wrap my head around but if the image is distorted you need to assign and co ordinate the shape net to Aline it up properly. At the end of the day we were set our weekly assignment. For this we had to design and texture a crate.
As you can see the image to my left is my final product. For this i needed to take a picture of the net of the cube so that i could go on Photoshop
to place the image six times across all six faces. From there i went on to MAYA to extrude the edges to stand out as well as creating a 3D version of the diagonal piece of wood and finally adding many black spheres in to represent the bolts in the create.

Overall i am quite pleased with how it came out as to me it looks quite realistic. Next time to improve my work i would use a Blinn material to absorb and reflect light as well as other add other minor extra features to upgrade the quality of the work.

During Fridays lesson we had to design a basic game called "roll a ball" using the Unity engine to design it. To my surprise i ended up at a disadvantage which shocked me as, I spent Thursday designing it. I had encountered an error resulting in the program being unable to load up various parts of the game. This then meant i had to redo a large majority of the game for it to fully function.

This is how the game turned out. The white walls and blue floor are the games environment  with the walls in place to prevent the ball leaving the environment. The white ball is the player. The last part are the rotating yellow cubes. These are pick up items with the objective being to collect them all to win.

Whilst creating it i had to use code to make scripts instructing the player, the pick ups and the camera to different things. this included attaching the main camera to follow the player around. In addition to this scripts were also required to make the picks rotate and vanish when collided with as well as a script of code being needed to make the player move.

In summary i am satisfied by my game. I'd say for my first time at making a came it has came out dandy.  The main issue is the tutorials required to create these as they don't always include ever detail in order to create it as well as the tutorials are rather quick. I believe the only way to improve a project like this is through time and experience on the unity engine.

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