Tuesday 10 October 2017

Next Gen year 1 week 4


This week on Monday we continued using tools in MAYA to develop our 3D sculpting skills. We learnt to use the skills of extruding and and how to bevel shapes. In addition to this I also learnt how to add images to the program to use as blueprint whilst sculpting. The final tool we learnt that week was inserting edge loops. this tool i struggled with at first but have gotten to grips with.

After getting to know the tools we were then given the task of creating Mjornir. to those unfamiliar it is the hammer wielded by the god of thunder. 

As you can see this is my final product. whilst making it i used all the tools i learnt like extruding the sides of the head to get the shape. I then beveled the head after that to give it its round feel.

Overall i am proud of my assignment and really enjoyed myself creating this. I enjoyed it because it wasn't the most frustrating and i am a fan of the film this hammer model is based on. as well as this really like the lightning background i added.

Despite this if it were to be done again i believe i would get involved in edge looping more as i tried to avoid it. Furthermore i would spend more time on creating the hilt and attempt to use special patterns to make the leather handle and overall cut procrastination to a minimum.

On Friday we did coding. During this lesson we were given the task of making a grade ordering system.

Creating this code would overall result in allowing you to enter 4 numbers which will be ordered from lowest to highest.

Ultimately this code worked to an extent, which confuses me. I believe it may be down to the illegal statement being wrong. The problem is that some numbers would cause an error whilst sorting.

If this was to be done again i would try to be less dependent on my fellow colleagues and try to have a better grasp at the subject as i currently feel i'm behind in comparison to where the teacher feels the class is at.

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