Tuesday 10 October 2017

Next Gen Year 1 week 3

Hello blog

This week on the course throughout Monday & Tuesday we learn how to do 3D sculpting on Maya. On Maya we learnt the basics of creating 3D objects and the basics of editing them. As well as this we learnt how to rotate and move the objects properly.  I was then set the task of creating a simple chair. in an attempt to impress i created 3 simple chair.

The first chair is probably the one i'm most proud of and it is a rocking chair. i found it easy up until the chair legs as i was unaware of the appropriate tools and therefore required assistance in order to create. The second chair is a sofa which again was very easy to produce. the hardest thing in making it was changing the vertices to make it look dented as if it had been used. The final chair is a cinema/ barber shop chair. this one is mostly a result of my first time on Maya being a weird custom chair i just made.

On Friday of that week  we received a visit from people who were from Next Gen. they were there to talk to us about the course we are taking and at the end whether or not to go to university or to take an apprenticeship. i enjoyed this a lot because it gave me more confidence that  what i am doing is right  and that university isn't always the best choice.

As well as this we did coding on Friday. we had to create a calculator  .I found this very difficult progressing only from the assistance of my peers. As a result of the difficulty i ultimately failed in creating a calculator with the product just being a hunk of un-usable code.

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