Thursday, 24 May 2018

Next Gen week 31 year 1

Due to the current time frame i have been soley focusing on my games document. firstly I listed veichles and weapons which my game would contain. I rather enjoyed that part though it did put me off as it was rather engrossing into all of the cool things available in my imagianry game. from there icreated a fake HUD for what my game would contain.I mocked one up using photoshop. The issue of it was i feel it is too simplistic yet i know its the format that most companies use when developing that type of game because they don't want it to either distract or put off the player. This is what i've found common when trying to create this game. This is the middle ground as I want it to be complex to appeal to those I am pitching it towards but simplistic for it to be a real game that people would buy, The process for this has been long but i am glad that it is because this is something where i have all the creative control and it is a topic in which i have been studying for so i have some experience.

The biggest dowside of this all is that this isn't actually real nor am i a proffesional so creating something like a demo for this is too complex. Aditionally because of this Iam relying on more off what i've wrote and learned than what iv'e created because as this is my first time i want more detail into the written work to demonstrate my understanding of what iv'e been taught. I would have preferably balanced both of them out but given the time constraints I doubt that is possible.

Regardless though this has been a great experience where i have given an idea i am really proud of and have turned it into more than a mere concept which i am greatful for.

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