Monday 21 May 2018

Next gen year 1 week 30

The previous week i continued on with my Games doc. For it I went on to what would be the controls of the game. This required a lot of detail as my game is to have two different game modes which both require their own controls for. Detail in the controls is heavily required as you have to think of everything that is possible within your game. Towards the end of the week I completed the controls and moved on to the selling points of the game. These being the concept of the game and its unique selling point on top of the games synopsis. I have completed them but i feel more detail may be required in order to really sell the game i'm pitching.

On the VFX project i finally completed the shots. Whilst editing the footage on NUKE i encountered a big error but with assistance it was resolved. Also continuing the in it I finished modelling the robot as well as completing texturing it.

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