Wednesday, 30 May 2018

VFX shot acquisition

For this we went over a presentation detailing all things camera related to give us an understanding of them before we engage in filming.

Firstly I learnt about camera exposure. For this I was taught the factors you need to account for when finding the correct exposure. The first is the lens aperture. This functions like the human light where the shutter works like a pupil so the more light intake the smaller it is needed to be. The next one is the sensitivity of the camera sensor to the light. The final factor is the cameras shutter speed.

The next thing I went onto learn about is the focal length. This means the distance between the center of a lens or curved mirror and its focus. The camera we are going to use is the 41mm. This means the view can be seen by the human eye because the eyes focal length is 50mm. Additionally  the use of the black magic cinema camera means that there is going to be a crop factor of 2.28 when filming.

The last part of the presentation taught me about matching lighting. The  360 degree cameras purpose is to record an High Dynamic Range Imaging. it is placed so it records an HDRI of the lighting of the shoot to replicate them on MAYA in the future.

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