Wednesday 30 May 2018

VFX production

The picture above shows the 360° camera taken from the day of shooting. Despite this there was no intention of taking a shot with that camera as the cinematography was pretty simple.

 Here you can see the place where we filmed all of the shots. This is taken from 'Google maps' because on the day i had to secure my phone as it fell out of my pocket in the first shot. As well as this i took the picture of the distortion grid required for post production.

For the filming i played an extra who ran away from the robot. Again this wasn't a hard process as all I had to do was run for a couple of seconds.I thought it was a strong point for me as i did what i needed to playing the extra.

Overall when the time arrived the shoot was successful. The biggest issue was finding the right day to shoot the sequence. We spent much time waiting for the right day holding off on shooting but that day never came so we had to make with what was given to us by filming on the day that we did. This day the weather was rather unforgiving and the cold weather started to show in the final product. Although the weather did give everyone motivation to complete the shoot as we all wanted to return to class to escape the unbearable weather. From the shoot I think i could have worked more on my enthusiasm whilst shooting as the weather put me in bad morale which meant I gave an performance which was unrealistic to what the shoot was meant to be about throwing off the tone.

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