Friday 1 June 2018

Art fundamentals moodboard

Following with the art fundamentals final assignment i have been tasked with creating a mood board from the brief. The artwork itself has to be a toxic jungle so this board contains derelict buildings as well as the jungle itself.

Overall i'm more inclined to favor a more derelict city environment instead of a jungle. This is because i want to clearly show an overgrown environment and the toxicity of it so basing it in a dilapidated city better shows the transition from a concrete to a toxic jungle. The mood board itself contains many pop culture notices so understanding it more will be easier. Additionally some settings are familiar with the video game environments to really show what i'm after. Something i want in my final piece are monsters and the truly inspiring ones are the prehistoric ones. The bottom left shows two actual monsters and shows the type of inhabitants i want to roam around in the piece i'm going to create.

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